Tuesday 21 September 2010


Your questionnaire will help you identify the demographic you should pitch your media product at.
I have scanned in an except from a book by Rosemarie Newell on Research methodology if you want some more information about making your questionnaire.

The most important things about designing a questionnaire is the two different forms of question:

Open Questions:

Open questions allow individuals to respond in any way they wish e.g: Where do you like to go out?

Open questions will give you a wealth of detail and information about a particular subject but are a lot less easy to quantify and require much more thought and analysis to draw conclusions from or see patterns arising thereof. Answers can be ambiguous, wide ranging and difficult to categorise.

Closed Questions:

Closed Questions are where the answers can only be yes or no or a set of answers given to the respondent e.g:

Do you know of the music genre Grime?



Which of the following would you say best describes your social status:

a: Working Class
b. Middle Class
c. Upper Class

Closed questions are easily quantifiable and can be converted in to charts or diagrams giving a very quick way of analysing the data. They have a disadvantage in that they force an answer from the respondent . For example faced with the question: Do you like the music genre drum and bass? Yes or No.
the respondent may want to say 'it depends, I like that tune with that guy from that group I like' or 'Sometimes, but it's not the sort of music I like to play all the time.' You can make the best of a closed question if you open it up further with the following question.
For Example:

Do you like Indie Music?
you could follow with:


or in other circumstances you could open the previous question by following with:

Please provide further details.

If a list of choices is given a category of 'other' should be given for people who cannot find a suitable response.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Achieving those higher grades in A2 Media Studies

To get the best grade in A2 in Media Studies you need to Demonstrate:

  • Excellent research into similar products and potential target audience.
  • Excellent organisation of actors, locations costumes or props.
  • Excellent work on shotlists, layouts, storyboarding.
  • Excellent time management.
  • Excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning.
  • Excellent skill in the use of digital technology and ICT.
  • Excellent communication skills

Monday 6 September 2010

To post a video from you tube or similar simply follow the steps on the screenshot above then paste the text into the text editor in the blog's 'edit' window like I have done here:

Guidelines for A2 Media Studies

To add a Word, Excel Doc or PDF Then save it as a Jpeg and upload it by clicking on the add image button in the blog's 'edit' window. This is an example of how it looks on your blog if you click on it you can enlarge it and clearly read it, this is good for documents like shooting schedules but you can also add scanned documents like planning notes or storyboards.
This will help show the development of your product and if you use the comments function on the live blog you and others can further reflect on your work.